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Why Bandsintown Pro?

Let’s face it: It’s hard to cover all the bases for every show, leading to empty seats and sunk costs.

Easily track ROI and performance

Unclear on what’s working

List on Bandsintown, Spotify, Google, Apple, & more

Missing on key platforms

Save time & money with automated marketing

Resources are strained by a lot of shows

Automatically engage artist fans

Ticket sales need a boost

Bandsintown Pro helps you

If your venue’s


avg increase in event views


avg increase in ticket clicks


avg ROI

Bandsintown Pro works around the clock so you don’t have to, leveraging a built-in community of 85+ million qualified ticket buyers.

Your secret weapon to save time and sell out shows

Bandsintown Pro is the only event marketing platform to combine the buying power of 85+ million live music fans with the intelligence to drive results throughout your event lifecycle.

Connecting the world through live music

Bandsintown powers live music discovery for over 85M registered fans, 600K artists, 66K venues & promoters, and the world's most trusted platforms.


events recommended in 2023 


ticket clicks driven in 2023


registered live music fans

What our clients think

Absolutely thrilled with our experience using Bandsintown Pro across five of our venues. On average, we saw a 5X ROI on events, with incremental revenues reaching up to $1,200 per event. The automated artist alerts and monthly digests were game changers, keeping fans in the loop and our events buzzing. And shout out to their sales tracking feature - made figuring out our ROI a breeze. Bandsintown Pro is a keeper for us.


Insomniac Clubs

5-Stage Automated Alert Series

Work smarter, not harder. Automated email and push alerts intelligently expand your reach to the right fans without the guesswork, driving results at every stage of your event lifecycle.

From manual to magical

Smart targeting

to artists’ followers, RSVPs, and recent email openers near your venue from Bandsintown’s 85+ million users

Five touchpoints

drive fans from awareness and consideration to conversion

Your branding

and custom copy and content captures fans attention across all devices

Expand reach, boost awareness

Tap into 85 million of the world’s most passionate live music fans.


Reach music fans around the world already using Bandsintown as their go-to platform to discover and buy tickets to their next live music experience.

Qualified live music audience

15 million buy ticket clicks monthly

450k events recommended monthly

The most trusted platforms in the world use Bandsintown to power their event listings. Make sure yours are easily discoverable.


Amazon Alexa




and more

Apple Music

Apple Maps

Reach the right audience and get results. Target fans of particular artists or those nearby your venue and engage the most relevant ticket buyers.

Target by city, state, country

Set a targeting radius

Target fans of specific artists

Get targeting suggestions

Build demand, fill seats

Keep your events top of mind for the right fans at the right time.


Automated email and push alerts intelligently expand your reach to the right fans without the guesswork, driving results at every stage of your event lifecycle.

Email & Push

Fully automated

Built-in audience

Smart targeting


Detailed insights

Keep your venue’s Bandsintown followers engaged and in the loop with an automated monthly email digest showcasing your upcoming events.

Smart targeting



Fully automated

Detailed insights

Dedicated email

Cut through the noise of social algorithms and directly engage qualified ticket buyers with personalized dedicated email campaigns. (Pay-as-you-go)

Geo & artist targeting

Easy-to-use templates

AI copywriting

Fully customizable

Drag & drop editor


Take charge, level up

Control your event listings and perfect your presence.


Take control of event listings created by artists or imported from ticketing platforms to ensure accuracy and integrity.

Auto-sync events from ticketing platforms

Full control & customization

Event listing pre-screening & approval

Convenient alerts & reminders

Stand out from the crowd and make an impression with sleek custom-branded venue and event pages.

Custom hero image

No ads

Follow & RSVP buttons

No competitor recommendations

Retargeting pixel integrations

Grab attention with automated, ad-free branded email alerts showcasing your upcoming events and announcements.

No ads

Your logo and venue bio

Event artwork

Venue name in subject

Follow Venue button

Upcoming events

Track sales, retarget fans

Analyze at a glance, strategize, and optimize your ROI


Get the full picture with an intuitive insights dashboard and weekly performance reports delivered straight to your inbox.

Fan alert insights

Event insights

Google Analytics

Sales insights

Weekly email report

Track the number of ticket buyers who received and engaged with your Bandsintown Pro email alerts to gauge your ROI

On-demand insights

Measure ROI

Exportable reports


Plug in your marketing pixels to stretch your spend further with audience retargeting and conversion tracking capabilities.

Meta ads pixel

Google Ads Tag

TikTok ads pixel

X/Twitter ads pixel

Google Analytics 4

We’ve got your back

Bandsintown Pro was built by event marketers, for event marketers. We’re with you every step of the way, from setup to sellout.

Guided Onboarding

Ease into it with guided onboarding. From setup to personalization, we've got you covered

Technical Support

Get the help you need with a dedicated support team and easy-to-use Help Center

Transparent pricing with no surprises

What’s your venue capacity?

Ideal for any venue looking to save time and increase event sales and awareness with automated always-on marketing




Get one month free!

billed at $3,588 $3,289/year

What’s included?

All features and tools listed below

Unlimited users

Unlimited automated fan alerts

Personalized onboarding

Email & live chat support


Built-in audience

Event distribution network

Location & artist targeting


5-stage automated alert series

Automated monthly digest

15% off promoted email campaigns


Advanced event management

Enhanced venue & event pages

email alerts


Insights dashboard & weekly email report

Conversion tracking to measure ROI

Retargeting pixel +
tag Integrations

Join the club

Not ready to try Premium yet?

Claim your venue page for free and pay as you go for manual Promoted Email campaigns.

Custom & Enterprise

Contact Sales for pricing multiple venues or combined venue, festival, and promoter solutions.


Find the answers you’re looking for
or visit the Help Center for more.

The biggest fans are on Bandsintown

Make sure they know about your every show.

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